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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Someone tells a joke. Everyone is laughing at it. You didn't think it was remotely funny. Do you laugh too? Why?

Someone tells a joke. Everyone is laughing at it. You didn't think it was remotely funny. Do you laugh too? Why?

Posted - October 9, 2018


  • 6098
    Haha that sounds like me on this site.  So much of the time the so-called "jokes" are not funny to me at least and the rest of the time I am not even recognizing they are supposed to be "jokes".  I have my own humor and what is funny to me perhaps is not to anyone else.  At least on here.  Don't have to laugh on-line as I would pretend to de in a real situation where I don't want to upset the group dynamic - everyone else's good time. 
      October 9, 2018 4:51 AM MDT