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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are those who live in hurricane lanes getting weary of them? Aren't hurricanes bigger/more frequent? Is GOD angry? What for THIS TIME?

Are those who live in hurricane lanes getting weary of them? Aren't hurricanes bigger/more frequent? Is GOD angry? What for THIS TIME?

I've lost track of the names but I believe this one is MICHAEL. Televangelists inform us that GOD'S anger at us is shown by bad weather. Let's see other times it was anger at the LGBTQ folks. Then at same-sex marriage. Maybe because of those who prefer using birth control over having a zillion kids and going on welfare because they cannot afford them or a zillion abortions. Well what in the he** did we do NOW? Whom can we  blame THIS TIME? Immigrants?  Kennel cage kids? Women? People of color? Democrats? Anti-super don folks?  It's gotta be something REAL  BIG. Sigh. Oh. I know. It's because Kickapoo Joy Juice wasn't confirmed immediately. Right? So GOD is sending Michael. To teach us a lesson? GOD is a male right? Michael is a male right? Apparently super don is right once again. Young men are in peril. GOD favors young men apparently.

Posted - October 9, 2018


  • We dodged Florence with the  last minute changes in direction that she made. We're directly in the path of Michael. We've been fortunate the last couple of seasons, this time we're in the line of fire. It's what's expected every September-November. I suppose that God could use a hurricane to express his displeasure, but not necessarily. He used a variety of plagues with Egypt. I'm satisfied that when He expresses His anger, we know the origin of the difficulty. It's usually profound and expansive, designed to catch your attention. Not an annual autumn event.
      October 9, 2018 7:38 AM MDT

  • 10795
    Sorry if my eye rolling was too loud.

    A vast majority of televangelists are self-serving liars.  They distort God's word in order to promote their own ambitions.  Their goal is not to help people, but to take their money.  They have served to turn many people away from God - even to the point of causing some people to deny Him.

    No one can point to any one event and, with 100% accuracy, claim that it's a "punishment from God".  How God uses His creation - for good or anger - is completely up to Him.  However, if we pollute this world and cause it to change (such as global warming), is that God's fault or are we simply reaping the consequences of our actions? 

    Hurricanes are vital to keep this earth functioning.  They help to disperse heat in the oceans.  They also move moisture from the ITCZ (Intertropical convergence zone), mid latitudes, north and south.  There the warm moist air mixes with cool dryer air which helps promote rain and snow (frontal systems).  Moisture does not simply exist where there's a frontal system, but is ever present and ever moving in the constant current of winds around the planet.  Hurricanes have always struck land on occasions.  For some areas they are tehprovider of tehmajoirty of yearly rainfall.  Without them these places would become barren.   In some places where hurricanes make landfall, there are (were) buffer zone (bayous, swamps, mountains, and such) which help to weaken the impact of hurricanes further inland.  Over the years, we (humans) have removed many of these natural buffer zones, replacing them with cities and farmlands, and, occasionally, with smaller artificial buffer zones, or we decide to live in/on them.  What we fail to understand it that just because something hasn't happened recently doesn't mean it wont happen again.  For example, a river hasn't flooded in 25 years, so people naively build homes in its floodplains.  Then when a wet year comes along and those (natural) floodplains floods, people look for someone to  blame - the ones who built the house, to the government, even God.  The same with hurricanes.  While they can make landfall over a wide swath of land, they don't alway do so.  This lulls people into a false sense of "security".  Then when one does strike, who do we blame?  (this by no means lessens the tragedy in any way)

    We pollute the planet, causing it to warm.  In response, hurricanes become larger and more frequent as they to do their job disperse the heat.  More heat, more moisture in that heat (warm air holds more moisture than cold air).  More moisture = bigger (stronger) storms (every day frontal systems).  The bigger (stronger) the storms, the stronger the ridges (of higher pressure) that form out ahead and behind them.  The result - floods and droughts.   

    Is God displeased with a lot of what we do here?  According to His Word - yes.  Can He use His creation to punish or teach us?  If He so chooses - yes.  Is He merciful?  Yes!  Who's to say that God didn't lessen the severity of a disaster (meaning it could have been even worse)?  Whether we like it or not, disasters are always going to happen.  While we can try to mitigate the outcome, they still will come.  When they do happen, we can sit around trying to lay blame (there is no God, but when something bad happens it's His fault!) or we can lay aside our pettiness and try to help those affected by it.  Ever think the perhaps instead of causing these disasters, God is using them to strengthen us?   Using them to show us that we can love our neighbors  instead of fighting with them over pettiness such as politics, race or nationality? 
      October 9, 2018 10:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for a very helpful, thoughtful and extremely informative reply. A little 3-in-1 oil will quiet the eyes when they roll! So hurricanes are GOOD then? That's news to me and very much needed. It never once occurred to me that there was a beneficial component to them. If humans were a little smarter and had better memories they wouldn't build homes at the shore when they are located below sea level or at the edges of any river that has ever flooded. But they keep forgetting or defying or are just plain stubborn and so it keeps happening. Now when tornadoes tear through a town there's nothing you can do about them. Aren't there areas where tornadoes are prevalent? Isn't there a "Tornado Alley" somewhere? I think humans will never control the weather and if we/they had more respect for nature we wouldn't keep getting in these pickles. It is true that disasters can bring people together but at what cost of life? Anyway I think it's quite ironic that those who preach the Word of God blame Him so quickly or rather use Him to further their own prejudices. Not nice! Happy Wednesday! :)
      October 10, 2018 2:45 AM MDT

  • 10795
    Although tornadoes can happen just about anywhere on earth, they are most prevalent in the central US (where they're also the strongest). 
    Tornadoes prefer flat land, but they do form in mountainous areas.  However, the ones in hilly areas usually only range from an F-0 to an F-2 (on the Fujita scale of tornado intensity).  Although everyplace between the rockies and the Appalachians is conducive to forming supercell thunderstorms, the area of land from central Texas, north through Oklahoma, central Kansas and Nebraska and eastern South Dakota (sometimes dog-legging east through Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana to western Ohio") has (by numbers) the most tornadic activity on the planet. 

    "People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord." - Proverbs 19:3
      October 10, 2018 9:55 AM MDT