Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The super don and the Kardashians are the same. They are famous for being famous and nothing else. Fame is the name of the game. Jealous?

The super don and the Kardashians are the same. They are famous for being famous and nothing else. Fame is the name of the game. Jealous?

They have  adoring worshippers who follow their every word deed move. They also have folks who detest them for the same reasons. They have nothing else going for them but celebrity. Weird ain't it and they're rich because they have no special ability to do anything, create anything, invent anything, make life better for others. Go figger! How nothings can become somethings could happen only in Amurrica. So Kim's hubby Kanye and super don are tight. How swell is that? Impressive ain't it?

Posted - October 12, 2018


  • 6098
    Well don't know who "Kardashians" are but I guess Pres. Trump risked and made and lost a lot of money in real estate and development thus making a lot of jobs for a lot of people. Which is certainly more than I have done.  And certainly fostered an improved climate for business in general which has made life better for many people.  Go figure!   I doubt if anyone becomes "rich" simply by doing nothing - after all money does not grow on trees and even if it did you would have to make the effort to harvest it.   I don't know - perhaps these people are celebrities and  I had heard of Donald Trump over the years but never really paid any attention to him at all until a couple of years ago.  Perhaps some people are obsessed with celebrity - are you?   I am not. 
      October 12, 2018 7:26 AM MDT