Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In areas where there are MORE DEM voters than trumpicans how would YOU insure a win for super don's team?

In areas where there are MORE DEM voters than trumpicans how would YOU insure a win for super don's team?

Remove millions of voters from the rolls. Change voting locations to places hard to access. Limit voting hours to hobble working people, students, the poor who have no transportation. Freeze 53,000 voters( a jacka** in Georgia is doing just that ). Dirty tricks are alive and well and blatently obvious but what the he**! Whose gonna stop 'em in country wehre anything goes ande winning all there is? So far red-state Governors are busting their a **es trying to figure out ways to lessen the number of voters who vote Dem. Every which way but fair is what they do and what they get away with doing. I guess depending on what team you're on you love it or you don't. Those who would lose without cheating are happy that their team has resolute experienced cheaters. Those who don't cheat aren't happy but other than pointing it out and lighting it up and continuing to focus on it what can they do? A government that SHOULD BE ON THE SIDE OF FAIR isn't. If that ain't COLLUSION and CONSPIRACY to stop legitimate citizens from voting what is?

Posted - October 13, 2018


  • 35032
    Clearing out the voter registration is not a dirty trick. Leaving them on the rolls is a dirty trick. 
    My Grandfather died in 2009. He is still on the registration rolls. They have been informed of his death multiple times, my Mother works the polls. She says no one has came in a tried to vote as him. But she does not know if a poll worker does later after hours. If he was removed it would not be an option. You just cannot have dead people on the rolls and then not require ID to vote. 

    There is a state who has a policy of removing voters whom have not voted in years....they are send a notice to last address and the people can return that notice to remain on the rolls. 

    Personally I would make it so if you have a state issued ID (DL or Non DL) after proving citizenship would be automatically registered to vote. No other places to register. If your ID expires so does you registration. Eliminates the dead people and people who have moved etc. 
      October 13, 2018 8:14 AM MDT