Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» An Answermug pal said you can find the "funny" in everything. I disagreed but he's right. SNL makes even super don FUNNEEE! HOW?
An Answermug pal said you can find the "funny" in everything. I disagreed but he's right. SNL makes even super don FUNNEEE! HOW?
Because they have a brilliant actor/comedian who super dons better than super don. He outdons the don. In fact everyone says Alec Baldwin makes a better don than don does. How does he do it? I don't know but the writers sure help.
Of course you can find funny in everything, you just have to know how to look. But it helps to have a good sense of humor (something, alas, not everyone is blessed with).
I totally agree, Mr. Baldwin does a fabulous trump impression. Hilarious!!
As for the writers, the things donny says and does are so ludicrous that the jokes practically write themselves. The ramifications of donny's words and actions will affect the US (and the world) long after his presidency ends. Being able to find humor in it helps ease some of the pain of that reality.
I'm now reduced to having to MUTE the TV every time I hear super don speak. I literally cannot physically take it anymore. I RUN to the remote and hit "mute". While he is indeed ludicrous absurd and ridiculous he isn't remotely funny to me Shuhak. Not when he represents all that is evil and venal and ugly and hateful. I think he is the spawn of the devil and I have NEVER found the devil (if such exists) to be funny. However Alec Baldwin is impeccably excellent at what he does and he does super don much better than super don will ever do. I don't find super don's cheering supporters who shout (STILL) LOCK HER UP at his rallies funny, They are pathetic. I don't find his adoring worshippers remotely funny who recount all the great things he has done and among them I cannot find even one I would call "great". I think I have a pretty good sense of humor but of course am I the best one to judge that? Maybe not. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Sunday! :)
I agree, it's very hard to stomach that "person". That's because it's real (even though he doesn't think so) and we know what the sad consequences of his stupidity will be. Mr. Baldwin doesn't write his scripts, he's just an actor. While the acting is his (facial gestures, motions, etc.), the lines we find funny were written by someone else. No, Da Dump is NOT funny, but there are some who are able to turn his moronic lunacy into something we can laugh at (mockery) With all that's going on in this country we need a bit of laughter or we'd all go insane.
I totally completely and absolutely agree with thee Shuhak. I desperately seek laughter every day. Desperately. I'd rather be laughing than crying or despairing any day. The compendium of evils for which we can "credit" super don or with which he is associated affiliated is ever-increasing. Every day it's something new. Another awful of course. We never discover anything in his past or present that is what we would call "positive" "beneficial" "good". Which makes his future grim and ours because of him. He is tiresomely predictable and boring as he** because he is stuck in a rut like a broken record. He never lets go of grievances so the litany grows longer. The vocabulary is the same. Stilted simple vapid. His only emotion is hatred. He gets off on creating chaos and then sitting back and watching it unfold. He has admitted that. He foments all things ghastly. I have no idea what will happen with this monstrous act of the Khashoggihi murder/dismemberment by the Saudis. Super don has been in bed with the Saudis for decades financially and he isn't about to lose a dime just because of some dumbhead thing the dumbhead crown prince (best pals with Jared) ordered done because Prince boy is a wackadoodle too! SIGH. "We'll see what happens". Meanwhile we have a spineless whinya** Congress and Senate and a spineless whinya** new "justice" on the Supreme Court. Lots of stuff to celebrate. NOT. I have never seen super don smile. He SMIRKS. All the time. Jerks smirk. What lurks behind the smirk? Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak and Happy Monday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 15, 2018 9:24 AM MDT