I just saw/heard a replay of Big Mouth at a rally July 5 in which he said that if Senator Elizabeth Warren had a DNA test done and was shown to have Native American ancestry he would write a check for ONE MILLION DOLLARS and donate it any charity of her choice. She did and she did and here's the charity of her choice:
National Indigenous Women's Resource Center"
Now it's time for BIG MOUTH to pay up, apologize and shut up already. But we all know the cheapskate always stiffs folks to whom he owes money and he will stiff Senator Warren by insisting he never said such a thing. He is on VIDEO TAPE AND AUDIO saying exactly that and all the folks who cheered him on and laughed at him were there to hear in person and see but I betcha all of them will say he never said it and that whatever tape there is of the event is fake. Problem solved. Right. Big Mouth Cheapskate skates again.