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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The super don and the donnegans were predicted by Mack Sennett way back in 1912-1917! KEYSTONE COPS! Ever hear of them?

The super don and the donnegans were predicted by Mack Sennett way back in 1912-1917! KEYSTONE COPS! Ever hear of them?

They were incompetent folks who did stupid things. How did Mack Sennett know way back then we'd have a Keystone Kops incompetent administration doing stupid things? A joke worlwide. A prediction come true. SIGH. When will THE BEAST appear or is he already here?

Posted - October 16, 2018


  • Columbia Pictures had a version of Bill, Hillary and Barack known as Moe, Larry and Curley. What's your point? By the way, we're breathtakingly close to the emergence of the beast. If folks realized just how close, they'd be stunned. When we speak of the coming one world system, that's where the comedies end and the truth becomes all too serious.
      October 16, 2018 10:18 AM MDT

  • 22891
    no, never heard of thenn
      October 19, 2018 2:57 PM MDT