Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » D'ya know what percent of crude oil the US supplies itself versus what it imports from other countries as of 2017?

D'ya know what percent of crude oil the US supplies itself versus what it imports from other countries as of 2017?

Us produces almost 40% of its crude oil needs itself
 About 40% comes from Canada
  9% comes from Saudi Arabia
  7% each comes from Mexico and Venezuela
  6% comes from Iraq

So Saudi Arabia is not a critical supplier of crude oil. What does it supply? Money invested in super don's portfolio of products.

Posted - October 20, 2018


  • 44751
    That's 109%.

    They are a major producer for the rest of the world and can control the prices.
      October 20, 2018 7:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Why not read the question again? I used modifiers like ALMOST and ABOUT for a reason. i don't put unnecessary words in my questions. Every little movement has a meaning all its own. Every word also has a purpose and a meaning and a reason for being.  You didn't not reply for any reason that I can logically think of  as beneficial. I could ask why but it doesn't matter. So why ask why.
      October 20, 2018 8:01 AM MDT