Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I wonder what super don would do if a grandchild wanted to change his/her sex? Disown the child?Banish him/her forever?
My guess is he would pay for the sex change then pay off people to keep it a secret. I imagine this question was inspired by Donald Trumps latest plan to write transgender out of existence. It worries me because I think it's going to cause a lot of heart ack. I know one transgender he was miserable as a male and tried to kill himself once. but since the change she is happy as a lark and suicide is the furthest thing in her mind. There are a lot of transgender in America ( I thing it"s in the millruns) so I bet Trump lost a million votes with his new plan. Cheers!
Remember Bruce Jenner who is now Caitlin? He was Republican and stayed one through the sex change. I wonder if Caitlin will still support him as she is written out of existence? I can't imagine being a male in all ways but the physical or its opposite. Being so uncomfortable in your own skin 24/7 must be horrible. Whom does it hurt? Whose business is it? Why does anyone care? SIGH. If this goes through I think you are absolutely correct. Suicides will go up. I dunno Nanoose. How far will his white racist populist nationalist proclivity take him? Kill all babies of color at birth? Sterilize people of color so they can't have kids? There is no bridge too for him apparently or the trumpicns that cheer him on. It gets more grotesque daily. Be grateful you are a Canadian. i know you are. I would be too. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
The notion that we may "change our sex" is a false one created by the medical industry to sell operations and medical procedures to fulfill wishes. Truly there is a sucker born every minute. I don't know about the president but I say let 'em play at it if they have nothing better to do with their lives. Very little surprises me any longer.
This post was edited by officegirl at October 22, 2018 8:08 PM MDT