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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If you think the USA since super don is going to HE** in a handbasket you're not alone. There are more of us than "them"! GONNA VOTE?

If you think the USA since super don is going to HE** in a handbasket you're not alone. There are more of us than "them"! GONNA VOTE?

Posted - October 24, 2018


  • 32699
    I think America is Great.....and Yes I am gonna vote. McCaskill is going home. 
      October 24, 2018 8:56 AM MDT

  • 13071
    I love America. And the only way the Democrats are going to win is if they let enough illegal aliens vote. Looks like somebody has already paid for an organized caravan of them headed this way.....I wonder what they are getting paid to do? Duh. Vote for a losing party that need to pay illegals to vote to get numbers they need to win. Im, voting, and so is everyone I know, and they are all voting Republican. Hail to the REPUBLIC!
      October 24, 2018 9:02 AM MDT

  • Well Carbon my friend, didn't you hear? These folks are being brought in to perform jobs that others won't do, and that's to vote Democratic. Also, isn't it strange that they're leaving countries of oppression and tyranny, yet they tote their nation's banner to our doorstep. These are not refugees, nor is it a migration of any kind. It's an organized invasion.
      October 24, 2018 9:09 AM MDT

  • Some folks are such sore tails that they wouldn't recognize prosperity if it bit 'em on the rear. (The same people are unable to correctly identify Hell or a hand basket) To answer the question, I have voted. I didn't have the privilege of voting as often as some folks I know. That's why some really qualified candidates won't win in November. You can't overcome the increasing fraud in these elections.
      October 24, 2018 9:04 AM MDT