Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Sociopaths and Robots are birds of a feather Both groups lack emotion. They never feel guilty/ashamed/embarrassed/regretful.Perfect Match?
Sociopaths and Robots are birds of a feather Both groups lack emotion. They never feel guilty/ashamed/embarrassed/regretful.Perfect Match?
Sociopaths should couple with robots. Well-suited, well-matched and they would "understand" each other. No arguments ever. They'd be in perfect sync harmony of one "mind".
Sociopaths are said to be made by their environment not born, so they probably do or at least did have a capacity for empathy. However, psychopaths are born, they have an inability to feel empathy, in fact they have an inability to feel most things, which is why they often turn to high risk crimes or jobs such as doctors, surgeons, policeman, judges etc, drugs high risk sports or a combination of these in order to elevate any type of feeling. They do feel rage, and most of the time is difficult to control, rage is a big one for psychopaths and often can get enraged at the slightest thing even if it's just their misinterpretation of something. Therefore, I doubt a robot would be enough for a sociopath as they can derive enjoyment or power out of seeing something tortured.
This post was edited by kjames at October 27, 2018 3:35 AM MDT
You're welcome RosieG. Out of interest and totally unrelated to the question, (but considering your passion for the state of your country, and the time you have spent on this earth), do you think things have improved in your country or not, what was a favourite time for you and your least favourite and why?
Since the dippidy doo began campaigning to be prez the United States has gone to he** in a handbasket. He is a liar a traitor a criminal. He panders to the worst in human beings and has made racism a thing of pride! His hate talk envelops him at every rally. He targets those who despise him and his wackadoodle weaponized adoring worshippers listen and one just acted on it. The pipebomb guy was INSPIRED by the dippidy doo. More are out there and they will step forward and do what they can to attract the attention of the dippidy doo by doing likewise or worse. Meanwhile he doesn't shut up or change his hatespeech. He keeps it up to foment hatred and division and chaos. He is the spawn of the devil if such exists. I despise him. The only human being in the world about whom I say that. I used to pride myself on never hating anyone. Well that pride is gone. I know what it's like to hate. One man. Whose entire existence thrives on spreading hate. That is in reply to whether or not I think things have improved in my country. Yes they have but only for RACISTS. Everyone else is badly damaged and hurting. A favorite time for me is hard to select. I have been so blessed to have many. I remember a perfect day on a sailboat with a friend when I was single. I remember sitting on the steps of the Harvard Trust Bank in Concord, Massachusetts decades ago with my son who was about 3 at the time. It was a Sunday. We sat on the steps munching on chips after having had breakfast in the local cafe and just chatting about life. His dad was an auto mechanic by profession and belonged to a race car team so he'd be off racing on the weekends. The burnouts in the pits of dragsters is very noisy and my son's ears were too sensitive to take it so that's why we didn't go. We went once and he was screaming from the discomfort. Once was enough. When Obama won the presidency was a wonderful highlight in my life. I was very proud of being an American. Today with the dippidy do I am tremendously ashamed embarrassed humiliated infuriated enraged disgusted. My least favorite time is NOW. It began when the dippidy do threw his hat in the ring and increases daily with his very existence. I don't know if he will ever go away and shut up in my lifetime. Until he is gone/muzzled/out of sight and hearing with no power it will continue to be my least favorite time. I hope I answered your question kj. Thank you for hanging in and Happy Monday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 29, 2018 5:19 AM MDT