Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» It's usually "good" to have a diversion that distracts from the usual political crap. Like the World Series. How about them Red Sox so far?
For many of us, Rosie, the “political crap“ is not a central concern in our lives. It is the distraction. It may come as a surprise that few share your level of obsession with it.
Indulging the joys of this life is foremost, ALL ELSE is a diversion.
Attending the Trump Show/DC Follies is not at the top of that diversion list, even if it is forced into our ears daily. ...Or maybe because it is.
I'm gonna take a SWAG here DB. You are doing very well financially and are living the good life. There is no need for you to get all riled up. You are interested in what's going on at arm's length as an observer. None of what super don does actually affects your life adversely. There are many folks in your boat. I'm not one of them. If McConnell actually takes a hard swipe at Medicare and Social Security and cuts them drastically to offset the obscene tax cuts given the wealthy I'm in trouble. Without Medicare when I had Stage 3 cancer in 2008 I would have died. I could not have afforded to stay alive. Fortunately I got cancer at the age of 70. Had I gotten it earlier when younger I wouldn't be here to talk to you. Medicare saved my life. I'm not unique. There are millions just like me and we care very deeply about who is leading the country because it could affect our health and our lives. So I understand why you are dispassionate and very cerebral about these issues. We are not all alike intellectually physically spiritually emotionally or politically.We react to life in ways that are suitable to whom we are. Our paths are different. Our experiences are different. Our views are different. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thee.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 27, 2018 3:05 PM MDT
I can see from your remark that you,as is true of some others, believe that politics is the only thing in my life. You would be incorrect as are they. SIGH. Thank you for telling me that my assessment of you is correct. You didn't have to do that and I appreciate that you did. There is a certain calm casual relaxed worry-free easygoing laissez-faire attitude that such folks as I have described to you have. It is a tell. Thank you for your reply and the graphic. Clowns frighten some folks. Never used to frighten me. Until now.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 27, 2018 3:05 PM MDT