So it looks like a Trump supporter, or a guy passing himself off as such, was responsible for the pipe bombs.
He also has several prior arrests for terroristic threats and domestic violence. By the logic of our most wacko lefty friends, if one Trump supporter is a crazy violent wingnut, then so is everyone who voted for or supports him, right?
Boy. He sure beat up those two would be their turkeys in the junkyard bigtime! Maybe even have killed on of them! This is future shock in action!! Go Michael Douglas! Nothing but respect for him and this movie!
I understand that your point is that it is logically wrong to assume that all trump supporters are crazy because one is. And you're right. Its called a fallacy of Composition. So without saying if I am a trump supporter or not, I have to agree with you on that. What I don't understand is that if you're right as you are, why you throw the wacky leftist thing there.
What really characterizes most Trump voters? Two things - 1. they go to work in the morning and 2. come home at night. That is what you are supposed to be afraid of!