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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The super don should buy an island and call it superdonland. He could ship his peeps to it. He could be prez forever. All-white. Alright?

The super don should buy an island and call it superdonland. He could ship his peeps to it. He could be prez forever. All-white. Alright?

He would create his own press. He would create his own TV station. His name brand would  be on everything. Every business would incorporate his name in some way to pay homage to him . It could be  the superdon Brown & Sons. Or the superdon Smith Drugstore.  Or the superdon Dolly Parton Hair Salon. Everywhere he looked would be superdon emblazoned thereon. A perfect world. Color-free. No enemies would be allowed. Only joy and happiness would exist there. No enemies no cross words no arguments no battles no troubles no Democrats no immigrants no poor people no welfare or social service program. What perfecter world than that could any of the superdon fans wish for than that?

Posted - October 27, 2018


  • 11395
    Ya and his islands weather station would have a measuring stick in the Bay and every day they would claim that the stick say's that sea levels aren't rising which proves Trump was right.  The TV station  would only have one show called Golf Cart Rides With Trump. Trump would ride around his island with a reporter and find bottles that  "washed" up on the beach. The bottles would have messages or things in them like Hillary's missing  e-mails or Obamas birth certificate from Africa.  I also imagine that ever now and then the  Golf Cart Rides With Trump show would be interrupted by a special report about the savages from the island across the Bay launched a caravan of rubber rafts to invade Trump Land and King Trump recommends nay demands that the people of Trump Land sharpen sticks and place them in the Bay. However Trump supporters get carried away and cut down and sharpen every  tree on the Island then the islands echo system breaks down and Trump land becomes a barren waste land. Cheers and happy weekend!
      October 27, 2018 11:39 AM MDT

  • 7280
      October 27, 2018 1:08 PM MDT

  • 11395
    Ya it kind of has a happy ending. Cheers and happy weekend!
      October 27, 2018 3:53 PM MDT

  • 113301
      October 28, 2018 2:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Agreed! :)
      October 28, 2018 2:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh my gosh Nanoose today is certainly starting off superbly and superly for me. First I started off with the "dippidy doo" replies which cracks me up whenever I see or think of dippidy doo (I even giggle when I type it!) and next I read this excellent response from you! All I can say is WOW and thank you for picking right up where I left off and expanding it spectacularly! I wonder what's stopping him from doing that? You have given him a superior roadmap for which he may very well track you down and "reward" you. If he does let us know! Oh my gosh I am in such a jolly good mood now! You surely do know how to create a world of wonderment! :) ((hugs)) This post was edited by RosieG at October 28, 2018 2:24 AM MDT
      October 28, 2018 2:23 AM MDT