Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Whaddya think of "dippidy doo" as an alternate label for super don? A long-time internet social site pal coined it. I like it. Do you?
It just tickled the heck outta me Sharon! It hit my funny bone bigly and so of course I had to pass it along. Thank you for your reply and the graphic. I can see exactly where you're coming from. The labels that would fit that piece of junk are endless. But one that makes me giggle and not enraged really works for me. I'm so tired of being furious and ticked off and pi**es and enraged and outraged. A well-timed giggle is like a respite...a breather... vacation from the usual typical daily crap! :)
Like I just told Sharon Zack when I saw it I giggled. Now usually I just get angrier. So it's nice to change gears if only for the short-term. After that terrible slaughter at the Jewish Synagogue yesterday the SOB had the nerve to decry violence. Of course it was all scripted and so sanctimonious and fake as he**. But what can you expect from a dippidy doo? Thank you for not minding my sharing it Zack. Happy Sunday! I wonder what Dipiddy Doo will do today?
I'm all in with that Lollipop! Either way it makes me giggle and that's a nice change from my usual demeanor with regard to Dipiddy Doo or Dipiddy Doo Doo! Thank you for your reply and the graphic and Happy Sunday to you! :)
Well the First Nations people that live on the Rez in Nanoose Bay call him Booshgie - roughly translated it means Mr. Big Butt , Cheers and happy weekend!
I like that too Nanoose. It's just that when Zack wrote it and I read it I giggled! Out loud! A big change from what I usually do when dippidy doo is involved. It's nice to giggle. You can't giggle and be furious at the same time. At least I don't think you can. Maybe you can. Anyway I think Big Butt is very fitting. Booshgie is funny too. How do you say "small brain small hands no heart" in their language? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday Nanoose!