Excluding the dippidy doo super don prez what OTHER AMERICAN PRESIDENT EVER SAID "I AM A NATIONALST"?
Hitler said it in Germany. Is super don the dippidy doo patterning himself after Adolf? I thought Vlad Putin was he soulmate hero. Is VLAD THE BAD a Nationalist too?
When we were young we were all taught to be proud of our country and appreciate it and honor it. There was nothing wrong with being a nationalist because it simply meant we think enough of our country to put it first. Its like when we were young being a "humanist" was considered good as well because it meant we cared about human values. Then it became a nasty because some religious folks construed that to mean that if we were "humanists" then we did not put God first! Now looks like for some people being a "nationalist" has became politically incorrect because they construe it to mean we don't care about other countries. Rather narrow-minded viewpoints.