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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Any African Americans out there who wholeheartedly support super don without reservation? If so could you share with us WHY that is?

Any African Americans out there who wholeheartedly support super don without reservation? If so could you share with us WHY that is?

All you gals out there too since he has a problem with you. All women intimidate him so he attacks them. How do YOU rationalize being viewed as a sex object and nothing more? If he is attracted to you he'll bed you. If you aren't he will insult you. I don't know what the appeal to women could possibly be from such a one as he! If YOU do couldja enlighten us please and thank you! :)

Posted - October 28, 2018


  • 46117
    I don't think you are allowed to even discern any longer.  I cannot believe they fired Megan Kelley?  WHAT?

    That woman gives great interviews.  Why is she not allowed to say stupid things when Kanye West is on tv talking to the President and making zero sense?  That is okay?

    Well, Kanye thinks he is Trump's buddy, but as another "brother"  our very own Don Lemmon, pointed out....Kanye put on an Uncle Tom Minstrel show for the white old GOP in front of the Nation.   It was shameful.

    That is the kind of black man that votes for Trump.  Crazy and uninformed.  Like the white men that also vote for him.  No white man with a brain and a soul would look at a Jeff Sessions, or a Paul Ryan or a Mike Pence and think "man I want to be that man, he's a hero".   They think instead, wow, I want that cush job where I don't have to do a thing and reap the benefits.  That is the Average white Joe these days.  Scary and Trump is what they think will be the ticket to get them there.  He is the change they want.  Even though there is no change.  They are being told that they are making huge money and that everyone has a good job.  Oh brother.

    I went all over the place here.  To sum it up:  Megan Kellley cannot make any comments or question even why blackface is not an appropriate costume.  I mean are we Muslims now where we cannot mention the PROPHET with these politically correct black comments?  Oh please.  Its okay when white cops beat the crap out of black people on video on a daily basis, but this is worth getting fired over when Laura Ingram is the worlds HUGEST racist ever?

    Megan Kelley is smart.  I liked her interview with Putin.  It was right on.

    Black men are going to sound stupid if they are for Trump.  I have not heard one black man make any sense whatsoever when they defend him.  Most just have their head in the sand and hate Hillary and pretend that Obama did not exist.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 29, 2018 3:15 AM MDT
      October 28, 2018 11:55 AM MDT

  • 13277
    *Megyn Kelly.
      October 28, 2018 4:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It has always been puzzling and perplexing to me how anyone for any reason can support defend adore an abuser user evildoer. Especially a user abuser evildoer who does evil to the supporters. It's as if in their support they are moving from the group they are to the group they want to be.  They align themselves with the dippidy doo so they won't be targets? Maybe it's as simple as that. Thank you for your reply and the graphics Sharon. Every day as walk on the wild side with the dippidy doo charting the path we take. Heads up! :(
      October 29, 2018 3:19 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well I would not support anyone "wholeheartedly" and "without reservation".  And If he has a "problem" with me I have no inkling of it.  Nor do I imagine that I would "intimidate" him.  Though not sure why I would even want to.  And I quite enjoy being a "sex symbol" - at the proper place and time and with the proper people (yes even at my age).  Which I have no need of "rationalizing".   So guess that all disqualifies me from being a proper answerer of your question.

    Oh guess I don't need to point out that without the votes of women and black people Trump would not have been elected.  This post was edited by officegirl at October 28, 2018 6:41 PM MDT
      October 28, 2018 12:03 PM MDT

  • 13277
    I'm sure you would have no idea why anyone would disagree with you, but plenty of them did, and nobody owes you an explanation for it. And why are you still harping about it two years after the fact? I've said it before and I say it again. Get over it and move on already! Happy Sunday!
      October 28, 2018 4:43 PM MDT