Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» We can't always control events. We can control our OUTWARD reaction. Ever had luck trying to control emotions within? What's your secret?
Time out, taking a stroll in the countryside as it has a tendency to put things in perspective, yep I might get annoyed about the state of my country and it's spitting image politicians, but I can get away from it and not let it eat me up, and see that everything's alright in the world, the sheep don't give a damn about politics neither do butterflies they just do their thing. If in a confrontation, again best to walk away than say something you'll regret, rarely is anything productive said in anger. Don't get too consumed in things in a way that doesn't produce any change, especially if it makes you feel bad, anger and all those negative feelings are not good for you. Hatred consumes the hater and ties you to that which you hate most why do that to myself?
Do you live in the country kj or do you have to drive to get there? Sometimes or often "the world is too much with us". On the other hand some folks sail through life disconnected and removed from the trials and tribulations. No interest. Disinterest. Detached. Aloof. Arm's length. I'm not sure that is controllable. You either are connected or you are not. I doubt that it's a choice though I could be wrong. Thank you for your reply! :)
I have to drive there Rosie, but boy does it quieten the mind :) It's a difficult life when I know that nothing I do is really going to make a difference, not in the greater scheme of things anyway, maybe I'll have small impact on those around me and that's all I can realistically hope for. In my hunt for truth, I've come to the realisation from being well read and continuing in that manner, to look in to history, to research from all sides, conclude that "Nothing in this world has happened by chance, everything that has happened has been very well planned and orchestrated from behind the scenes," and that most of the information people have been taught, is disinformation when it comes to the truth. The things that ordinary people believed they fought for in world war I and II, even sacrificing their lives, was always a lie. And everything to come, has already been in place for many years. We are still very much viewed, by a small elite, as vulgar serfs who deserve to be deceived.