Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Any of you drink Kombucha tea? Researched it and possible side effects sound very scary. Mayo Clinic advises against it. Would you drink it?
Here's the backstory. Yesterday we both visited the dentist for crowns. While in the waiting room a very friendly lively gal and we started chatting. She looked to be in her early 70's. She asked us to guess her age and she is 90! She said she owes it all to Kombucha! She even makes her own "starters" and babies. Whatever. She gave me her phone number and said she would share her starter with us. Well I don't take a stranger's word for anything without researching it first! Wow! Some folks swear by it. The opposite side has warnings and people can die from drinking it. It's black tea, sugar and yeast. It ferments and creates a mildly alcoholic drink. If you aren't meticulously antiseptic in everything you do while preparing it you can get infections, stomach upset, liver damage and worst case you can die. Not for the faint of heart sez I! So we're gonna pass. It supposedly tastes vinegary (we love apple cider vinegar but we don't drink it. We use it in salad dressings) and you know if mold forms it's gone bad and you need to toss it out and start again! Thank you for your reply Ele! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 2, 2018 8:50 AM MDT
Thank you re possible side effects. I think it can be helpful to many people but not all people. Seems they are afraid mostly of what other bacteria might live in it because it is a based upon a live substance. I would be less afraid of that than of just whatever debilitating effect it might have health wise. Can neutralize some bad things but unless those bad things are not present to be neutralized then it would not be necessary.
What possible side effects are those? I drank a very pleasantly flavored version of it oh perhaps 15 years ago for a couple of years but stopped when I learned it was almost purely a vinegar-type concoction. But I do think probiotics can be beneficial and I buy probiotic sauerkraut. As far as beverages I stick to wine and beer.