Every word of every speech at every rally. The first volume would be "the early years" documenting every utterance pre-presidency. The second volume would be a blow-by-blow word for word of every year. His second year might take TWO VOLUMES since he is ending this pre-mid-term election sales pitch doing 11 rallies in 6 days to save the seats of trumpicans from the hands of the mean Dems! It will be voluminous since he sure do like to talk a lot. There will be many duplications and triplications and quadruplications and quintuplications etcetera etcetera etcetera and so forth. His rally crowds depend upon the constant repeat repeat repeat. He never changes script. Just keeps going over and over and over the same old stuff. That is what they LOVE and ADORE. They probably have all his scripts memorized. The faithful to whom every word he utters is priceless even though they are consistently the same words. What would something like that cost? $250K maybe? Who among you would buy it so that you could refer to it whenever you were in need of his comforting words? Like the Bible or the Dictionary the third leg of that stool would be "Trumpican Legacy "! You'd need a lotta space on your bookshelves to hold all the volumes. Any printing firm that got that job would make a kajillion bucks. The future is so bright isn't it? Oh and all his tweets would be similarly published in a separate set of books listed by date. Then a third set could be all his speeches everywhere he visits as well as all those impromptu brief news conferences as he is getting ready to board the plane. Gosh an entire room devoted to all the words he ever said beginning with when he "threw his hat in the ring".