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Is generic geriatric what's killing political progress? Why not "Logan's Run" pols with a slight adjustment?

For the cognoscenti remember that in "Logan's Run" once you reached  the age of 30 you were killed off? Well The Constitution sez ya gotta be 35 to be prez so we could update "Logan's Run" and make the kill date say 45? That would allow wannabes to serve two terms before being killed off. That way no old folks would get entrenched and muck things up decade after decade after decade. They'd be long long long gone before that could happen. The youth shall lead the way. The old folks have screwed things up very badly. Let the young 'uns take a shot at it. What could it hurt? There is an  additional upside to Loganizing America!

You wouldn't die of any disease that afflicts the elderly.  You'd never suffer through cancer or Alzheimer's or other terrible diseases that concentrate on the elderly. You'd die young and leave a "beautiful corpse". I don't know who said that. Some fatuous conceited celebrity no doubt. We can "Logan's Run" America. That would also dissuade immigrants who venerate the elderly as precious and priceless from coming here. Everyone would win!

Posted - November 6, 2018
