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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "White House suspends CNN reporter's press pass after firey exchange". The don will not tolerate criticism. Wasn't the reporter lucky ?

"White House suspends CNN reporter's press pass after firey exchange". The don will not tolerate criticism. Wasn't the reporter lucky ?

The don  could have called in the military to haul the reporter out and kill him/her/them. He didn't do that. If he had do you really think any trumpican would have done anything anout it? Naw. His cheery beery base would chant LOCK HER UP. I know it doesn't fit a murder but they are programmed to chant that 24/7 no matter what. They all get off on it and what  could it hurt? LOCK HER UP!  Rat a tat tat. LOCK HER UP . Rat a tat tat . AR 47/AK 47 weapon of choice whatever the he ** that is? Exciting times ahead. The old wild west is back again on steroids! Who knew when the don took over he'd be such a lightening rod for so much fun and games? Who knew? Did you?

Posted - November 8, 2018


  • 2706
     This isn't a matter of how President Trump deals with criticism but rather how he deals with people like Acosta after he witnessed how Acosta physically conducted himself with a young White House intern simply trying to do her job. Had Acosta acted in an adult, dignified, and gentlemanly manner like most other men would have, this trouble would probably have been avoided. You don't shove people out of the way just to keep the microphone. I personally wouldn't tolerate a reporter or any other man, placing his hands on a woman like that either. Not only did he disrespect the young intern, but he also disrespected his own colleagues by not allowing them to ask questions.  Hopefully, he never gets his White House credentials back. As always, just my opinion. :)
      November 8, 2018 5:28 AM MST