Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Ian David Long/28/Marine vet possibly suffering from PTSD was the California shooter. Is PTSD permanent/curable? How many vets have it?
D'ya know what is SO DELICIOUS these days Sharon? Well I take you back to the over 60 times the former Republicans now trumpicans voted to kill the AHCA. Remember those days? They VOWED to do away with it entirely and doofus don promised to replace it with something cheaper and better. The "opposition" had 8 years to come up with something. They couldn't and so NOW all the trumpicans SWEAR they will keep alive the pre-existing condition part of the AHCA. I think that is so fine and amazing and proof that they are really inept impotent uninspired unintelligent uncreative. They folded because the single most important thing NOW to the people (including trumpicans) is HEALTH CARE! So of course they now pretend it was always on the table which is BULLSH**. What liars they are. Sheesh. All of them are walking funny with their tails between their legs. We KNOW how deceitful they are. Phonies every one! Sigh. Thank you for your reply Sharon. I wonder which state is next for a mass shooting. We just had our turn in a Thousand Oaks bar. 12 dead. Whose turn is next? Which state gets the attention ?