What we breathe or consume may be toxic to the body, but that is all. What we see or hear is toxic to our mind. It affects what we think, say and do. HOwever, the words that come out of our mouths are not only toxic to ourselves, but to those who hear those words as well. Once these toxic words are released (spoken) their poison quickly spreads. A single word can hurt, maim or even kill and we are powerless to stop it. There is no antidote for words spoken. NOt "I'm sorry", or "I didn't mean that", not even "I was just joking". And their position doesn't simply "go away". Words spoken can affect people's lives for years, lifetimes and beyond. Words can become time bombs as well. Once "dropped" they can sit and fester for an unknown amount of time before they "explode". While words can also be used for "good", to often they are spoken without thought of their effect or their consequences. Words are the most toxic thing in the entire universe.
Thank you for your very thoughtful reply Shuhak. Words are only toxic if you read or hear them. I absolutely NEVER READ the replies of the toxic people who come here to insult me. NEVER. But I have been informed by a dear pal that she is tempted to leave the site because she is so upset by it. She confronts them. I ignore them. She gives her time and energy and effort to call them out. I ignore them. They do not affect me at all because I simply do not ever read anything they ever post but they are affecting her. I am saddened by it and I asked a question about it. I feel helpless. I do not want anyone to feel bad on my behalf about things people say I know nothing about. That isn't fair. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do to stop my pals from feeling a need to defend me from folks? They feel bad. I don't. That makes no sense. Any suggestions you can give me are most appreciated. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 11, 2018 2:29 PM MST
People speak words frivolously. Seldom does anyone actually think about the consequences of their words before they utter them. When writing one has the ability to think and edit before "putting them out into the public" (i'm not saying people do, mind you). But when speaking, once a word leaves the lips it can never be taken back.
I don't know how. What I do know is that one Can never win an internet argument. even if one is trying to defend another or is "in teh right".
(forgive any bad punctuation or spelling. Its hard to type in these wrist braces)
Forgive me for causing you physical pain Shuhak. I very much appreciate your replying to me. I NEVER engage with twits but I have pals who do on my behalf and I am so disheartened at how they are treated. I guess some folks live to attack because that's their only strength. I'm gonna ask. Is being an attacker a strength or weakness? I attack Pols especially the don. Fair game. But attacking people for attacking don and attacking people defend the don attacker is stupid dumb and only blithering idiots do it. I spend time with people who don't waste it like you. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. Are your wrists gonna be a problem from now on? It is curable? Oh gosh if I keep asking your questions you are going to keep hurting by replying. Take care Shuhak. Feel better. Happy getting weller if possible!
My wrists & fingers are ok (for the moment); no pain. However, the wrist braces I wear while on the computer are clumsy. I normaLLY type with 2 fingers - one on the right hand, one on the left (yes, I cant type). So wearing braces makes that harder as i'm not used to it. The arthritis is probably permanent, but the rest should heal eventually.
Certain types of radioactive waste ,the by product left over from using nuclear power stations to generate electricity ...... It will be countless millions of years for its half life to make it safe..... The life of any storage facility lasts around onehundred years.....and they have to be remade.... If there is another world war or earthquake and these facilities get damaged beyond repair....what the. . .?
Which would be WORSE d'ya think D? A world war waged by blithering idiots or a very huge and devastating earthquake? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply m'dear.
A war made by idiots is the worst Rosie....Earthquakes are an innocent act of nature that is mostly unavoidable and no one is to blame..... Firing nuclear weapons or releasing biological weapons is an act intirly avoidable though....
Did you know America has machine guns that fire mini nuclear bombs/shells... The A10 WartHog tank buster plane fires depleted Uranium rounds by the hundreds....The tanks blown up by them are still radioactive and still slowly killing people that go near the destroyed tanks....:(.
I think you should be a scientist involved in stopping such stuff and letting people know what goes on inside a government! No I did not know that America has such death machines. I did not know that everywhere radioactive stuff with a half life of a BILLION years (that's what you said it is right D?) surrounds us and is slowly killing us. I do not understand why science is used to sustain life and cause death. I'm gonna ask because it makes no sense to me to give life with one hand and take away life with the other. Does it make sense to you D? Thank you for your reply! :)
Every thing what ever made has all strong links to making money first abd then making even more money trying to put thing right...... Why is plastic still being produced even though everyone knows it's quickly killing everything that lives in our oceans.... Maybe when it starts killing land animals and then humans on a vast scale ,thing will behing to change..... All humans are born with no intelligence at all Rosie.......Maybe when enough people die from plastic waste contamination,things might beging to change .....In the mean time....let all now worry about any other life form that's being eradicated forever.....:(