Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» You demonize those you fear like Hilary Clinton/Nancy Pelosi. Also those for whom you feel contempt like don. He isn't scary at all izzy?
I like Hillary. A lot. I am not too sure about Pelosi. I would love it if Elizabeth Warren had that gavel. Pelosi is kind of wishy-washy as I recall.
I know she is at least nothing like Paul Ryan. Anything that is NOT TRUMP is giving me a lot of relief. But she is not my hero yet. I'll stand by and see what she does.
She has a little of that Susan Collins in her, I fear.
Nancy Pelosi handled her caucus with a very strong arm as Speaker of the House. She could get them to vote the way she wanted them to vote. I would never call her wishy-washy. To me she functioned as the antithesis of that. A Very Tough Fame. Very effective Majority Leader. Paul Ryan is not. He is weak and ineffective and couldn't get House members to do anything he wanted them to do. He was a nothing as a leader. He just rolled over and is awaiting the day he can leave and put politics behind him. To his credit he never wanted to be Majority Leader/House Speaker. But he agreed to do the job and then disappeared. I like Senator Kamala Harris. She was our California AG and performed exceedingly well. Now she is our Senator and when she is questioning people they fear her. She is supersmart supereffective superduper. And she is relatively young. I don't know how old Senator Warren is. Oh and having Joe Biden be a potential 2020 Dem Prez candidate? How old will HE be then? Thank you for your reply Sharon. Time will tell. We shall see! :)