She faces a runoff for the Senate Seat against Democrat Mike Espy, an African American, on November 27.
Between the years 1877 and 1950 Mississippi was the state that had more public lynchings than any other state.
She says she was paying a compliment to a supporter of hers named Colin Hutchin, a cattle rancher. A compliment? Is she a racist? I dunno but she talks like one and that's good enough. She is tone deaf. She is southern. She is mindless. Her sense of humor is oddly skewed. When questioned multiple times about WHY she would say such a thing she refused to say anything except that she stood by her statement. She was asked if she ever watched a public hanging and again said she stood by her statement which never addressed that question. Whether or not she ever watched a public hanging.
Her statement was that she was complimenting her admiring supporter and "just jokingly" said that. Who jokes about public hangings? In a state well-known for its PUBLIC LYNCHINGS wherein whites of yore joyfully and joyously watched public lynchings you'd think anyone with even half brain would refrain from talking about hangings. This is the quality of the trumpicans. No. I cannot explain the why. Maybe this is the best they have and all they have going for them. More's the pity.