It might be your tastebuds that changed L. On the other hand it could be the ingredients. I've noticed that more companies are eliminating partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated oils, high fructose sugar and food dyes(many of which are carginogenic). Beets and carrots are used for color which is much healthier. But changing ingredients could change the taste! Thank you for your reply! :)
You may be right. I loved those Devil Dogs when I was a young smoker and a lot of things tasted different when I quit. Just as well - I really don't need the empty calories. :)
Don't know if this is true but I've read that often people smoke to control their weight. That smoking makes food taste not so hot and so when they quit they gain weight because food starts tasting good gain. Dangerous way to curb appetite if true. Thank you for your reply L! Glad you are a non-smoker. You will live longer! YEA!
I started smoking when I was about 15. For me it wasn't to curb weight, it was to look "cool." Back then, we didn't know how harmful it was, but being the stupid teenager we all were, we probably would have smoked anyway. It curbs your weight because nicotine speeds up the metabolism. When you stop, you have a tendency to eat more because smoking is an oral habit, so you substitute food for the cigarette. Then all hell can break loose. :) Happy Sunday. :)