Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So about around 175,000 Florida voting machines overheated due to old age and broke down. Those votes must be hand-counted. Dems' fault?

So about around 175,000 Florida voting machines overheated due to old age and broke down. Those votes must be hand-counted. Dems' fault?

So I guess the Dems are really brilliant and figgered out a way to make those voting machines OVERHEAT and BREAK DOWN. Who is hand-counting those ballots pray tell? It had dam* well better be  Dems alone who do the hand-count and no trumpicans otherswise what would have been the purpose of getting those machines to overheat and break down on cue? Right? Those clever Dems. What will they think of next ? God only knows.

Posted - November 14, 2018
