Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder if there are trumpican snitches on here who report to the john of don about we who belong to the RESISTANCE? Are our days numbered?

I wonder if there are trumpican snitches on here who report to the john of don about we who belong to the RESISTANCE? Are our days numbered?

How will he take us out? One by one we will just disappear never more to be heard from? Or will he  just get all of us together and have us stand against his ENORMOUS wall (you know the one he promised Mexico would pay for) to face a firing squad and rat-a-tat-tat we'll all be gone? Quite a spectacle it would be. Maybe the john of don can put it on PAY TV and get richer off it. We know trumpican rally attenders/chanters (LOCK HER UP) would pay to watch our demise and cheer as one by one our bodies dropped dead to the ground in pools of blood. The john of don may have that money-making idea free of charge. A gift from me to the big he. SIGH. Joking am I? "We'll see what happens"!

Posted - November 14, 2018


  • 6098
    Have tried to report you many times but all they say is though what you are doing might be unpleasant it is not illegal. 
      November 14, 2018 8:38 AM MST