Per the Washington Post by the end of this year it may cost in excess of $220 MILLION DOLLARS. The price of fear m'dear. The john of don is not afraid of the "invasion" at all. He wanted YOU to be terrified so y'all would vote trumpican. You didn't fall for it. He is furious. Have you noticed he dropped that manufactured phony fake hot potato after the election and said diddly about it? Any idea why? Shouldn't he still be hawking fear daily? What happened to all the photos on FAUX NEWS following the "massive hordes of bad people" daily? The desperation shown by the john of don was not due to fear of "them" but due to fear of knowing what losing the House would mean and so by any means he kept lying and lying and lying. It works a lot for him for sure. This time he whiffed and struck out! What other tricks will he use futurely to terrify you? "We'll see what happens".