Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Used to be when tragedy hit people would come together and help one another. Politics was NEVER a consideration. D'ya miss those days?

Used to be when tragedy hit people would come together and help one another. Politics was NEVER a consideration. D'ya miss those days?

Some folks lie in wait ready to pounce on anything everything something to use as a hammer to destroy "the other". If it is tragedy-based so what? If it can be used to shore up your side and crush the other side what the he** why not? Everything is fair in love and war and politics. Politics is not the place for humane or just or fair or kind. Only wimps and losers live there. Right? A perfect example is you know who(m). Depending upon which "side" you're on he is either a saint whose every breath and word and action is treasured and priceless or a monstrous imitation of a human being without feeling. You know which side you're on. SIGH. Wonder what the next tragedy will be that will juice up the john of don to do more battle? Is he keeping track of the body count? Isn't that what determines who wins?

Posted - November 15, 2018
