That's his lifeblood! He LOVES it. Seeing his peeps out there wearing his MAGA hats and MAGA shirts and MAGA underwear (for all I know) and carrying the MAGA posters. Cheering his every word. Chanting on cue. He has all those gorgeous red states who'd love to see him be there. He won't visit blue states. That's what brings him down. Blue is not his color He is a red through and through and loves all of you reds! So whaddya say are ya up for it? Cheer up the old man? Make him feel great again after his string of defeats? Don't ask what your country can do for you. These days it won't do diddly for you it will do alotta crap TO YOU! Just look deep inside and see what you can do for your john of don! He needs you. These are trying times folks. His future is uncertain. Give him your love in bigly fashion. Wouldja couldja shouldja? Why not? What else is more important to you?