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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Anyone watch/listen to the Leah Remini show about Jehovah's Witnesses? They seem to be similar to Scientology in some respects. Scary?

Anyone watch/listen to the Leah Remini show about Jehovah's Witnesses? They seem to be similar to Scientology in some respects. Scary?

We have a son and daughter-in-law who are members of Jehovah's witnesses and our relationship with them is very loving and close and always has been and (according to what was shown last night if true) they would have shunned us long ago. What's going on? What are the rules governing family members with whom the Jehovah's Witnesses engage who are not themselves Jehovah's Witnesses? All we know is that we are NOT allowed to send presents for any occasion or cards to celebrate any occasion. So we don't. Beyond that we know nothing. So why the need for an expose which is what this seems to me to be. It is very confusing and scary. Jim saved the recording and he thinks he might want to show it to them when they visit us which will be in a few months. I'm against it. Maybe the fact that we have seen it would cause them to distance themselves from us.  I don't want to gamble. Any help out there to shed some light on this? Thanks.

Posted - November 15, 2018


  • 13277
      November 18, 2018 8:28 AM MST

  • 523
    I understand. I think we can still get along even if we are o opposite sides of the fence.  The only thing is, not all who support him are totally blind. Not all who support him are totally deaf. Not all who support him are brainwashed. I hated Obama and all the dirty, underhanded, probably illegal things he did, but never once accused any of my friends who were enamored with him of being sheep, or being delusional.  
      November 19, 2018 11:54 AM MST

  • 46117
    Not even close.  The SCIENCE of Scientology is HOW TO CONTROL the masses with NO thought of anyone reaching anything but into their pocketbooks and becoming robots.

    The Witnesses are lost in space, but they are not determined to rule the world by lies and grasps of power.

    L Ron Hubbard studied how religions control people.

    He made his nonsense a religion. And Muscavage is the  the new RULER and so out of his nut only Tom Cruise could bow to him as a GOD, 

    Check this out after you have taken a good dose of Alka-Seltzer and Milk of Magnesia --because it is startling and will make you SICK.

    Hang on.  Let me get the video of Muscavage going into an orgasm right on stage when he announces that they no longer have to PAY taxes now because they call themselves a RELIGION.  This tape has been banned from public view, but as you say, the TRUTH will shine eventually.

    That was why it was done. I don't think Scientologists believe in GOD.  If any of them do, they are not following RON.

    The Jehovah's are flawed, but they are not coming from greed and avarice.  They are just deluded but not evil.

    Plus I have met many wonderful people who happen to be Jehovah's Witnesses.   They really want to help and bring people to Jesus. They try This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 19, 2018 11:57 AM MST
      November 19, 2018 8:47 AM MST

  • 7280
    I know very little about Scientology, and more than I would have wanted to or needed to know about the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    But that is enough to reject both as insufficient and erroneous at best---so for me that does qualify them as “similar.”

    My suggestion: Your relationship with your son and his wife is not broken---don’t try to fix it.

    Here’s why:

    I’m sure the JW’s have already informed its membership of the content of Leah Remini’s show and its content----as well as how to respond to the video and anything said in the video.

    The good relationship you have with your son and your daughter-in-law is more a testimony to the way you two raised your son and passed on to him what qualities of our common humanity are most important---than a reflection of any “religious” beliefs he may have adopted.

    JW’s are conditioned to accept the Watchtower as God’s “sole channel of communication” on earth and the only valid interpretation of scripture, so any contrary position---no matter how reasonable---will be easily dismissed by them mentally; and serve to drive you and them apart, even if only a small degree. And we all know small cracks only get bigger.

    And in addition, since they expect to be prosecuted and maligned for being who they are and attempting to spread what they believe to be God’s word, you are just doing what they expect the world to do if you show them that video.

    Ultimately, the salvation of the JW’s is the job of the Holy Spirit and that will requires positive action on the part of your son and daughter-in-law when He reaches out to them (and He will).

    Your job was to get them to be fully functioning adults---and it appears you have done that. That will make it easier for them to eventually understand who God and Jesus really are.

    Well done, you and Jim!

    Edit: grammar and spacing This post was edited by tom jackson at November 19, 2018 1:08 PM MST
      November 19, 2018 1:06 PM MST