Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is Donald Trump a cult? I dunno but here are some of the personality traits of cult members. Any of them yours?

Is Donald Trump a cult? I dunno but here are some of the personality traits of cult members. Any of them yours?

Want to feel validated. Are in dire need of approval
Seek an identity
Cult members are followers not leaders
Seek meaning
Schizotypal thinking...odd behaviors and belief in conspiracies, aliens, supernatural
Highly suggestible. Cults brainwash members
Blame others for things going wrong and never take responsibility
Always angry
Low self-worth

Cults promote an illusion of comfort
Provide absolute answers
Often take in those who experienced and rejected religion
Maintain an US vs THEM mentality
Cult leaders are masters of mind control
Cult members have no idea they're in a cult
Belonging to a cult can have a dangerous and lasting effect

Posted - November 16, 2018
