Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» As you age there are fewer things on your TO DO list. Fewer demands on your time. More time to think. How do you invest your "more time"?
Well, because I suffer pain, then just household chores alone take up my time, however I do love gardening, I do go for walks in the country when I can, because it put's things in perspective and quietens the mind.
Years ago in a home we owned first thing I did when I got home after work was to go out into the backyard and pull weeds. 30 minutes. My unwinding time. Then I'd go in and start dinner. So I can relate bigly kj. I'm sorry for the pain that prevents you from doing other things. My Jim has constant back pain from a compressed disc in his spine. My "baby" sister, 7 years younger, has the same pain for the same reason. I'm virtually pain-free 24/7 except on rare occasion when arthritis flares up. I don't know why I 'm so lucky but I am grateful for it. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 17, 2018 11:49 AM MST
They say gardening is very therapeutic. I can sympathise with Jim and your younger sister, still arthritis is no fun either, I have spondylitis in my neck which is a killer, hands and knees. I had some steroid injections in my shoulder and hip the other day. Still no matter how old you get, I find that your just a young person trapped in an older persons body!
True dat m'dear. I remember years ago having my mom tell me she still felt like a sixteen-year-old inside. She was in her 40's at the time. I thought she exaggerating but here I am at 81 and most of the time I feel like a young kid! I know I'm way super lucky about that and I am grateful. I'm 7 years older than my sister who used to be 5' 10. She is now my height (5' 6") because she walks hunched over a bit as does Jim who is also now my height. At my tallest I was 5' 6-1/2" so I've lost very little height. I was never athletic. Never worked out. Have been nutrition-conscious since my mid-30's but so are a lot of others. It's just luck. Why me? I have no idea. For me being in pain is very rare and it's always short-lived. Whereas my Jim and sis and you and others are rarely or never entirely pain-free. Glad you are able to "ignore" it enough to participate in being here. Jim ignores his back pain and plays tennis and golf. Steroid injections aren't fun. Short-term relief but there are side effects so you can't get too many in one year. Both my sis and Jim have had them and they've helped but it doesn't last. I wonder why "they" can't invent something that helps all the time with zero negative side effects? If we can go to the moon and get back in one piece it seems to me that inventing such a med would be a walk in the park. Thank you for your reply kj and Happy Sunday! :)