To sate the Turks so they'll be kinder to the Saudis whose a** the john of don kisses constantly along with Jared et al. He will be a bargaining chip to satisfy evil motives of evildoers. Do you approve of your C-I-C engineering that? Because he can do no wrong or because whatever evil he chooses to do you love him enough to not give a sh** about it? Why do the Turks want the guy? Because he is a dissident a disapprover and part of the opposition of the evil Turkish Government and the Turks have been salivating to get him extradited for years so they can murder him. Why else?! Will the john of don give in to that despot dictator murderer Erdogan without a blink of an eye? Of course he will. He shivers and shakes and get all blushy mushy and crushes on STRONG despot dictator MEN! It's his thang.