The cheeky twit said Obama would be a one-term prez. He was wrong bigly! He REFUSED to take up anything under any circumstances that would be helpful to Obama. He says his proudest moment was PREVENTING Obama from appointing a Justice to SCOTUS to replace Scalia after he died. NOW the cheeky twit wants DEMS to work in a bi-partisan way? Why? Because we own the House and his path will be fraught with investigation after investigation after investigation? Wake up and smell the coffee Mitchy baby. Shake it off. Shake it up. Man up. Put on your big boy pants and step up and take it like a man! You will get back what you gave. Your bread upon the water returns to you moldy and soggy. We know what you are and whom you are. You are an unpleasant crotchety humorless old man whose only claim to fame was OBSTRUCTING anything that would help we the people. We know what you are and whom you are and nothing you say will change your stripes or your spots or protect you from shedding the skin all you snakes do. Nice try. Bad move. Do better Mitch. Try harder.