Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I expect at this very moment all you middle-class trumpicans are enjoying your 10% tax cuts as promised by your beloved don. Just in time?

I expect at this very moment all you middle-class trumpicans are enjoying your 10% tax cuts as promised by your beloved don. Just in time?

Christmas is just around the corner. That 10% will come in real hand hand handy dandy. He keeps all his promises. Every one. D'ya love the wall he promised you? Thick and long and broad and tall it stands for thousands of miles across our southern border! And of course Mexico paid for that wall as the don promised! What other things he promised are you enjoying? Didja hear the Melania press conference he promised she would do about how she came here legally and worked legally? Did you admire the proof she showed at her conference? Do you love the trumpican health insurance plan which he promised would be cheaper and better than anything the Dems could come up with? How about the wonderful job being done on INFRASTRUCTURE. He knows the dangers and promised he'd attend to that. He got Kim to roll over and rumors that Kim is ignoring him completely and has 16 new nuclear sites (secretly stashed away) is intended to harm the reputation of the don. And of course he promised Jared would fix the middle-east and as promised he secured peace in the Middle East! He said he had people working in Hawaii to bring proof that Obama was not an American citizen. Did you enjoy seeing all that proof that the don PROMISED he had? He PROMISED to reduce the debt and of course he broke that promise to give the obscenely wealthy the huge TAX CUT and he increased our debt by well over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS but you forgive him that I know because the obscenely wealthy were in dire straights. Now why was that tax cut not considered WELFARE? He has also said he will give them another tax cut and that will require destroying safety nets like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid but y'all don't mind that since they are just handouts for the lazy bums and so you feel better knowing that they will be gone. Won't that extra tax cut be another lazy bum handout for the obscenely wealthy though? It is confusing. When the wealthy receive bigly bucks it ain't a handout for lazy bums. Not sure how or why it works that way but the don knows what he is doing. He is an HONORABLE man.  I'm sure I'm forgetting to list all his other solemn word promises that he has kept. Y'all know what they are. Enjoy. Finally a man who lives up to his word. He said he would never lie to us. He never has. Right? SIGH.

Posted - November 18, 2018


  • 6988
    The infrastructure thing has been going on for years. Most American cities are under attack by workers in high visibility vests and plastic OSHA approved helmets. Toledo and Detroit are hurrying to finish up their highways and bridges for winter. I see this as I travel these places on a daily basis. 
      November 18, 2018 6:29 AM MST

  • 6098
    Yes thank you.  Helps offset all we have to pay out under the graduated income tax and to support the bad habits of others under Obamacare. 
      November 18, 2018 6:37 AM MST