The john of don flip flops mostly flops on the side of the joker hoaxer believers. They are his base and so he dare not flout their beliefs. He equivocates and mostly talks about scientists who have an agenda (he never tells us precisely what it is). Sez "there is something there" after he sees the devastation in northern California but when asked if his views on climate change have changed he says "NO" which means he supports the jokesters who are hoaxer-believing anti-science folksy folks. What is he supposed to do? Alienate all of them by saying "yep climate change is real and humans caused a lot of damage"? Are you nuts? He's never gonna do THAT! Sheesh! That would be his demise. He can personally murder folks and admit to it and they'll love the he** outta him but if he dares ever admit to climate change being real he's toast. He's done. He's over. He's yesterday's news. He knows that. He do know what he can and cannot say. He do. I tell you da true 'bout dat.