Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What religioius ideology does belief in Climate Change offend? What political ideology does belief in Climate Change threaten?

What religioius ideology does belief in Climate Change offend? What political ideology does belief in Climate Change threaten?

Why are climate change deniers so adamantly opposed to belief in it? I don't get it. Can any of you explain the why without insulting me for asking the question?

Posted - November 19, 2018


  • 1305
    Hi Rosie, from discussions I've had, I'm unsure as to whether they deny climate change, or deny that we are responsible for the effect and that it is just a natural cycle like in the last ice age?

    The problem is with the data and the hypocrisy of the actions being seen by government.

    From the information I've looked at there is definitely a change in climate.  However it was referred to as global dimming, the evaporation rate was found to be less, which meant that there was not as much sunlight.  See link of BBC Panorama documentary.  The idea around chemtrails was to use chemicals much like how volcanic ash blocks out the sun when it erupts, what that does to our lungs when it is washed out of the sky I'm unsure?  Hence, all those referred to as nuts for many years and tin foil hat wearers, were finally exonerated when the Director of the CIA only a couple of years ago, openly admitted to what it had been doing but maybe not disclosing the true time line. Some experts fear that in using chemtrails it has actually accelerated global warming.



    I found that in the 1960's was when the government first started experimenting with the weather and seeing if they could control it i.e. weather modification, however some documents may go back before the 1940's. 


    This is a download of those documents...


    The public are being heavily taxed, and behaviour modification has become apparent (compliance), however all world leaders still take private jets to these climate change meetings hardly setting a great example..


    Also, there appears to be no reduction in the mass production of plastic, people still buy and fill their homes with items that are made with unrecyclable plastics, be it tat, toys, appliances, holiday decorations, household items,  even our technologies are made of them, china and japan are the plastic kings.  We are also still burning coal.

    Electric cars are a nightmare for recycling, the batteries are not environmentally friendly.  There are also other cheap fuels that are much healthier for the environment that the government refuses to use. One thing about cars, especially electric ones is that they are all fitted with telematics which can trace the whereabouts of your car, just like your phone tracks your whereabouts and lists your history. 

    Smart meters do not reduce your bills they enforce behaviour modification so that you have to stay up all night using your appliances and sleep in the day if you wish to benefit.  The data also knows what appliances you have, when you are using them, when you are in or out, and develops a profile of you which will later be used in marketing.  Since they are a wifi device this makes it vulnerable to hacking and that information get's onto the black market it's like giving your keys to a burglar.  All wifi devices are radio wave devices and all RF radiation is classed as a 2B carcinogen by the IARC which means it can possibly increase your risk of cancer, and yet radio wave technology saturates our environment now, there have been no studies on the accumulative effect of this, which I feel is totally irresponsible especially when they are deregulating RF radiation.


    Personally, the climate is changing, as to whether we can do anything about it I'm unsure, but The messages I'm getting from the government with regards to their own behaviour appears hypocritical. And they want to tax us for climate change, modify our behaviour (control) to the extent of perhaps breaching privacy law and freedom rights, and  make money of this by selling us products, whilst still wanting to make money from plastics and other things like extra run-ways at airports in order to increase their investments.  MONEY MONEY MONEY!!

    This post was edited by kjames at November 19, 2018 4:22 PM MST
      November 19, 2018 12:16 PM MST

  • 113301
    Once again m'dear you blew me away. I'm gonna hafta read it several times kj. It's way too much to grasp in one reading. Some of it I think is over my head but I will give it my utmost attention and try very hard to understand it. In the first reading one thing jumped out at me very bigly. The line about tin foil wearers who had been viewed as nuts being exonerated by the Director of the CIA...chemtrails... etcetera. That got my attention bigtime. You are saying in effect that climate change conspiracy theorists have been correct all along...that the government was fooling around with climate and that whatever the results were from that were PURPOSELY ENGINEERED and not the fault of humans. Is that correct? That takes some getting used to and more reading. If climate change conspiracy "nuts" are not nuts at all then that means the rest of us are because we refused to see what they saw or conclude what they concluded. That is big and heavy and not easily absorbed. Thank you for all the time you spent on it and the multiple links you provided. This is another case of my asking what I thought  was a very simple basic logical question and your answer tells me it is anything but. Happy Monday kj. This post was edited by RosieG at November 19, 2018 4:20 PM MST
      November 19, 2018 4:17 PM MST

  • 1305
    If you look at the links Rosie it will be easier to understand.  I'm not saying that there's evidence they caused climate change, what I am saying is that they have been experimenting with weather modifications techniques since the 1940's.
    The global dimming was seen in early 1900's but the scientists were ignored, people had been measuring evaporation rates for over 100 years, what that means is to fill up a bucket of water and at the end of the day measure how much water is left after the sun as evaporated it. What happened was the rates were reducing meaning that the sunlight was "reducing." This was referred to as Global Dimming.  It was only much later that the government started taking notices of changes but there is still a debate as to climate dimming or climate warming, or just natural variation.  Some believe that the change in weather means we are actually heading for another ice age. 

    The data isn't straight forward and hard to find, In one paper The Great Climate Change Retreat  they say "the global green gasses are causing warming, but is expected to be overwhelmed by forces of variability (global cooling)." Some scientists find the global warming theory alone, heavily loaded.

    The CIA director came out in 2016 and spoke about geoengineering, however CIA agent whistle-blower Kevin Shipp said that the Director had to do that because the whole thing was going to leak out anyway, and even though he was speaking about it in a new way, that it had been going on for at least 20 years prior to his speech.

    Old documents show that they have been experimenting with weather modification since the 1940's with things like cloud seeding etc, see the links, the download link is fine I have it myself.

    Happy Monday to you Rosie.

    This post was edited by kjames at November 20, 2018 5:59 AM MST
      November 19, 2018 5:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for the additional clarification kj. I appreciate it. Happy Tuesday! :)
      November 20, 2018 6:00 AM MST

  • 13277
    None that I know of.
      November 19, 2018 12:21 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply StuB and Happy Monday to thee!
      November 19, 2018 4:22 PM MST

  • 46117
    Absolutely NO religion.  Unless they are far outliers of normal religions.  

    God wants us to be appreciative.  Not just with words, but with an understanding of the gifts He has bestowed upon us.  

    It is not a punishment, it is an awakening that we all must change.  And since we have not paid attention to the warnings, we all may die.

    The more you appreciate God and the abundance of beauty and gifts He has given with no attachments, the more you will reach the blissful state of just being a human being and realizing that you are not a human living a spiritual life. You are the SOUL living a human experience.  It is the lesson we all came down here to learn.
      November 19, 2018 12:24 PM MST

  • 13277
    Came down from where? I thought we were hatched! LOL.
      November 19, 2018 12:28 PM MST

  • 113301
     Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      November 19, 2018 4:21 PM MST