Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» We are on track to "elect" an American Nazi president. A former/current KKK head. Are you excited? A NAZI FLAG above the White House?
This don't work no more kid. I don't know the base lie you are referring to, but since Hillary is not affiliated at all in any way with the KKK, since Hillary does not spout racist remarks ever in her life, who cares who she may have gotten any ideas from? Huh? Bigots may be very intelligent. Perhaps he had more to offer than just hating other races.
A mentor can be flawed and I know she has never embraced any hate or bigotry to do with any group of people. BUT YOUR GUY HAS.
And to add more insult to this injury you are perpetrating, EVEN if she was a closet bigot, EVEN IF....
she could never compare to this MORON. OKAY? NEVER. I don't think you can FIND an idiot in this nation that is WORSE THAN THIS MORON.
And you support him. Everyone else in every other country can fry and even people in your own country can fry if they are not GOP sycophants for Trump. Everyone else can die and who cares? And you know WHY? Because you got a crumb off the table and are patting yourself on the back that you are so shrewd.
You got a big tax break that is breaking the country that will not last. And at the expense of the entire economy. That's what's important.
Being tricked by someone who to quote his own words: IS LAUGING AT YOU. The one percent get everything and you are fine with it because the billionaires gave you an extra one billionth of one percent because they know that you are silly enough to think you got some windfall. PATHETIC?
IF one cannot see past the moment. That is a scary tragedy waiting to happen.
???????? This is a non-sequitur m2c. You keep dragging your baggage with you everywhere you go. The question is what it is and not what you want it to be. PAY ATTENTION! READ THE QUESTION. If you have other fish to fry fry it elsewhere. Someone will appreciate it. I don't. Hilary ISN'T the president. Why bring her up in an environment where she isn't? Are you as obsessed with Hilary as the john is? Fer cryin' out loud WHY? She is yesterday's news. Old. Out of date. Extinct. What is the purpose of bringing her back to life repeatedly? I don't get it.
This post was edited by RosieG at November 19, 2018 7:47 AM MST
I dunno Sharon. Hilary and Barack are worn with pride as albatrosses around the necks of some trumpicans. Why I cannot say but they keep going back to a well which is long-since dry and keep trying to get a drink. They will die of thirst. I don't get it. Thank you for your reply.
They want knee-jerk reactions. They want instant gratification. And this B.S. works because they see the merit in what they are doing. They get to bond with like-minded morons who do not wish to think and they just keep blurting out this invective nonsense.
Look who their MENTOR IS.
The PRESIDENT. Crooked Hillary. Lock Her Up. Only the mindless vomit out chants like this.
It's Obama's fault. Meanwhile Obama is still being a thousand times more effective than anything the PIG MAN can even try to destroy.
You know how we want a leader who's first response is HOW CAN I HELP?
Trump's message always is in ANY disaster is how can I HARM.