Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Michael Bloomberg just donated $1.8 BILLION to his alma mater Johns Hopkins Unversity to be used for scholarships. WOW?

Michael Bloomberg just donated $1.8 BILLION to his alma mater Johns Hopkins Unversity to be used for scholarships. WOW?

I wonder if the anti-education prez ever donated diddly to any university to provide scholarships for the financially disadvantaged? If so anyone know how much? He brags about Wharton so maybe he did that quietly? Without fanfare or publicity or attention? I know. Never gonna happen.

Posted - November 19, 2018


  • 46117
    Trump does not give anything unless it has bigger returns for HIM.  PERIOD.  

    His life is his message and his message is how NOT to share and serve as an example to anyone.  No matter how high you climb, you are in a hellish trap of your own lies and making if you think like Donald Trump.   Only yourself as company. No one to trust. No one understands you and you know everything. That is what he tells himself because DADDY told him he was special.  

    And gave him 200 million to trash.  Which he happily did and then STILL  brags about it.   

    But his followers are so busy pointing fingers and shouting LOCK HER UP that they have no recourse at this juncture.  Their friends all believe in Trump.  No one else will have anything to do with these DEPLORABLES.   They are stuck in their own bubble continuing to depend on the Kool-aide they keep drinking to blind themselves.

      So they are like TRUMP stuck in their base, holding each other's hands and believing what Donnie says.  
    No wall is being built.  It's the Democrat's fault, not his insane plan of hate eating up money that is not his to spend.  IT IS OURS.  No health care reform is in effect.  Because it did NOT need to be reformed --but it makes Obama look bad to the ignorant.  LIES LIES ALL LIES. 

    AND NOW:  Now he has the military stuck at a border to stave off people that are not even here.   Lying about these horrible people ready to rape and pillage us.  

    Meanwhile the troops are missing their Thanksgiving.   FOR NO REASON.

    I hope they are giving a lot of thanks to their rotten lying Chief of Staff.
    And what about FIRST BIMBO?  That is a match made in hell.  This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 20, 2018 5:33 AM MST
      November 19, 2018 8:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    I read that some if not all of the border troops are leaving Sharon. They were only there for political purposes. The john scared the crap outta voters he thought by talking endlessly about the massive INVASION of terorists rapists murderers which is why he sent the military down there. But he lost bigly so that ruse did not work. When did you hear him rant recently about the massive INVASION that he spoke about daily? Exactly. He moves real humans around like toy soldiers. No regard for them at all. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      November 20, 2018 5:36 AM MST