Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Scare people. Send troops to border. Political stunt to sway election. People too smart to buy it. Troops come home. Happy news?

Scare people. Send troops to border. Political stunt to sway election. People too smart to buy it. Troops come home. Happy news?

What was the cost of the political stunt engineered by the john of don to make people s keered of shadow so they vote trumpican. They not fall for it. They ignore it. Trumpican BIG. Troops come h ome in time for Thanksgiving.  Play solider play with soldiers and move them around lo suit him.  Big show no go. Empty suit strikes out  again. Poor troops. Pawn in the checkers game of john don. Not smart enoough to play chess and lose at checkers? Bad sign. Mental decline. Gamble not pay off! Uh oh.

Posted - November 19, 2018


  • 11389
    Last time I heard it was a couple million. But even if it was only $10 for nothing more then a political stunt then it's  still wasting tax dollars just to make himself look good  and wasting tax dollars won't make America great again. Cheers!
      November 19, 2018 7:09 PM MST

  • 113301
    The figure I read was around $220 million to keep them there through the end of the year. At one point I think he sent or was gonna send 15,000 troops. That was IN ADDITION to the border patrol already there. The fact that he pulls them BEFORE the murderous savage terrorists and rapists have even arrived and has said diddly about it since prove the point. His peeps don't mind him at all. They believe he has his reasons for doing everything and they are all intelligent honorable and patriotic. How do you reach folks with that kind of mindset? You don't. It's hopeless Nanoose. He will continue to do these stunts and scare folks because people who are scared are very flexible. You can  manipulate them any way you want. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      November 20, 2018 2:46 AM MST

  • 46117
    Rosie, I am so confused.  I saw videos of about 2,000 (and still coming) in Mexico at the Tijuana border and the Mexicans are PISSED.  

    Is this true or a fake video?  I really don't know.  If they are that close and more are pouring in, this is a disaster.    WHY?  Why are they pouring in here?  I don't know the issues.  I am not blaming them, but why are they all coming here when they know they will be treated like garbage.  It must have been such hell where they once were.  I'm praying for all of them.  I am not praying for Trump.
      November 19, 2018 8:45 PM MST

  • 113301
    I wish I knew the answer to that question Sharon. In my opinion (and I think you and others share it)  the john of don is the most despicable inhuman being on the face of the earth. How can what they are fleeing be worse than what he dishes out? I don't understand how fakeries are generated. I suppose it could be faked. I mean movies win awards for "special effects". I do know that the john of don wants his base to be terrified because that ensures that will cling to him for salvation protection and do/say/believe anything he demands of them. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday!  :)
      November 20, 2018 2:49 AM MST