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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What every paranoid person wants. Go after his critics/enemies and take them out. The john of don is frustrated he can't do that. U too?

What every paranoid person wants. Go after his critics/enemies and take them out. The john of don is frustrated he can't do that. U too?

His obsession with Hillary Clinton and Jim Comey and the dozens of hundreds of thousands of others he wants so DESPERATELY to get back at for perceived slights is remarkable. He is so simple minded. He be da prez. He be invincible. He be unstoppable. He be winner. He be he be he b e he he be. Nutjob wackadoodle be he.  Gives us the heebie jeebie do he. Wackadoodle! Sheesh!  :(

Posted - November 21, 2018


  • 53676

      Oh, leave him alone already!  He's nothing but a person over 70 years old who gets on social media practically every day and posts ill-advised rants about imaginary evils that he thinks truly exist, things with which he is obviously obsessed as he attacks his enemies, both real and make-believe ones. Meh, if he's paranoid, let it be. The more attention one gives him, the more encouragement he percieves.
      Hey, wait . . .

      November 21, 2018 6:47 AM MST