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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I got it! A new reality show. Just camera and mike the john of don 24/7. Every breath he takes every move he makes we'll watch/hear! Cool?

I got it! A new reality show. Just camera and mike the john of don 24/7. Every breath he takes every move he makes we'll watch/hear! Cool?

We'll put a screen around the john for john the don. He will shower behind an opaque something. We won't see him naked. He will dress/un behind a huge screen. After all he is the prez and his  private parts are for him to see and us to try not to think about too much.. Otherwise we will be on his back night and day, day and night from the dark of night to the light day every day every night until forever ends or he leaves whichever comes first until he goes away. Whaddaya say? A-OK?

Posted - November 22, 2018


  • 46117
    And JUST WHAT SECONDS are you missing?

    He is on TV 24/7.  He is on Fox.  He has Fox mouthpieces.  He has TWEETS that go out every five seconds.

    Get real.
      November 22, 2018 11:03 AM MST

  • 113301
    No he isn't. I want him photographed in bed in his jammies eating McDonald's cheeseburgers as he tweets while watching FAUX NEWS. I want him photographed every second of his morning "Executive time" where he lolls around in jammies watching morning cable shows while tweeting furiously and eating anything that doesn't move. He shows up usually about 11am in the Oval Office. He never sleeps. I want to see what he does while awake. Unless you are privy to all of that of which I speak I think the john of don should be transparently viewable and hearable 24/7. I want to see him call his pals on his private phone and listen to what they talk about. Sean Hannity is one of his advisors. Aren't you remotely curious to hear what they talk about and how Sean instructs the john of don in what to say the next day? I want to see and hear how he treats his staff when he blows up at them. He says everything is peachy keen and everyone gets along. Well that ain't what we hear so the only way to get to the truth is to mike him and record him 24/7. KAPEESH? This post was edited by RosieG at November 23, 2018 5:18 AM MST
      November 23, 2018 5:16 AM MST

  • 10787
    Are you trying to kill us?  The human mind can only process so much blatant (exogenous) stupidity before it explodes.
      November 22, 2018 11:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    No sweetie honestly! I want transparency. I want TRUTH. We CAN HANDLE IT Shuhak. He is not on camera or being recording for many hours of each day. At night he calls various pals. I want to know whom they are what they say and how he does  what he is told to do by them. Sean Hannity is one of his most trusted advisors. I want to hear Sean tell the john how to respond and what words to use and then watch/listen to the john do everything Sean tells him to do the very next day. I want to see how he treats his staff. They say he is he** on wheels and very abusive and insulting when angry and he is always angry. What secret calls does he make to anti-American countries? What secrets does he have that we should know?  he only way we will know is to mike him and photograph him in real time verbatim 24/7. See how he lies to us and how often. He will say one thing and tell us he said another. An inside scoop. A constant tracking of a man who can blow up the world if he so chooses and might just for spite. I know you are very curious to KNOW things and wouldn't it be useful to KNOW as much as we can about a person who holds our lives in his hands? Just my opinion of course. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Friday! :)
      November 23, 2018 5:25 AM MST