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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Bullies are all alike. They dish it out but they can't take it. They cave. They fold. They run away. Why does the john of don always hide?

Bullies are all alike. They dish it out but they can't take it. They cave. They fold. They run away. Why does the john of don always hide?

He phones he tweets he attacks he insults but always at a distance where he is protected and safe. He is such a wimpy weak willy he can't even fire people face-to-face. He is a weak man with a loud bark who is all suit. Keep it up john of don. You get weaker with each rant and rave and rampage and insult and attack. You get smaller too.  Keep doing it and you will be so tiny you will disappear into the land of microbes where you will have to do battle face to face with other microbes your size to survive. Good luck with that.

Posted - November 22, 2018


  • 46117
    Because he was crafty enough to employ people of no conscience to bully as well.  So he can hide.  

    But he NEVER hides.  Where did you get that?  His Presidency would have gone a lot smoother if he DID hide.  You know, like W.  

    He was never around. Too busy swilling the juice.  


    If I were a terrorist, that is exactly what I would try to do.  Hit America while Trump is in office.

    I shudder to think how fast it would escalate.

    He would love it. It would for once, take the focus off his jail sentence.  
      November 22, 2018 11:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    So you say he never hides?  I think he is a hologram. There is no substance to him. Nothing corporeal about him. Just atmosphere and environment that is configured to fool people into thinking there is a someone there. Just hot air and visual tricks. Empty suit. Empty head.  Empty heart. No soul. His peeps attend his rallies and cheer and there is never any human being there. He never was. HE IS THE HOAX. HE IS THE FAKE NEWS. A massive illusion to trick those who need to subjugate themselves and prostrate themselves and belly crawl  to serve a master they create out of fear. Sigh. Just my take on it. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      November 23, 2018 5:04 AM MST