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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The john of don CANNOT FIRE CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS. The john of don will disappear soon and be forgotten. Think it's driving him NUTS?

The john of don CANNOT FIRE CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS. The john of don will disappear soon and be forgotten. Think it's driving him NUTS?

Roberts will survive long after the john of don is relegated to a footnote with an asterisk after his "presidency". Roberts has a lifetime appointment. The john of don is a short-termer. Oh dear me. How sad is that for the big he? He can't do something he wants to do bigly. Put down the Chief Justice. Ain't gonna happen john of don. You are just putting yourself down but you do it better than anyone and so well why not just carry on?

Posted - November 22, 2018


  • 46117
    I think he is steaming.  He is a compartmentalizer.  This is what all sociopaths do.  They pretend nothing is wrong and just BLANK it out.  

    I've seen this behavior before.  

    Dianne Downs, who shot her children and denied it, is still in prison, decades later, still concocting outrageous stories of who really did it.  For anyone who wants their ears wearied.  She is guilty as sin, but if she were President, she had a very HIGH IQ,  and I'll bet she would not be any nutsier nor weirder than Donald Trump.

    I could see Trump, locked up and forgotten, years from now still declaring how great of a President he IS.  

    (he could never admit he lost anything)   ROSIE, THIS IS ME BEING NICE. lol

      November 22, 2018 10:45 AM MST

  • 113301
    He was always a pompous wackadoodle Sharon. Some avoided him like the plague because of his obnoxious insufferable self-centered condescending persona. Others sucked up to him and coddled him and protected him because they saw power in wealth and would do anything to be close to it. His wackadoodleness is amping up geometrically. That is not good for us. He can destroy much from now till January 3. What happens if he ORDERS an attack on North Korea or Iran? Nuclear war here we come?. Who is going to say NO? So far the no sayers are very few and far between.  Fingers crossed he is contained but how do you contain pure evil intent on destroying everything that doesn't obey him? I guess we'll find out! I kind disagree with thee in your assessment of you being nice. It is only the tip not the whole. You being nice is the person who says we need to love one another and try to understand one another. You being nice is the person who brings up faith and hope and the potential goodness of all. I can't be nice like you Sharon. It isn't in me. It's not something in which I take any pride or solace. It just is. I hope your nice works and wins out. Maybe then if it does some nice or hope for nice will grow within me! That would be very nice. Thank you for your reply and the graphic. We are still here m'dear as of today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Stay tuned.
      November 23, 2018 4:37 AM MST

  • 46117
    You cannot be nice like me?  I am the ABSOLUTE WORST, Rosie.

    You are a lot nicer.  Trust me.  I am not trying to equate my actions with anything you do or say.

    I need to tone it down for me.  I am getting upset and it stays with me all the livelong day.  

    So, this is not Donald Trump's problem.  This is mine.  I am going to fix it.  

    Be you and be happy.  You are loved and poor Donnie doesn't even know what love is.  
      November 23, 2018 4:39 AM MST