I have been on a diet of clean food until the last maybe 4 years. I have been allowing stress to eat at me and I ate what I wanted because I was not gaining weight. But I paid. Now I am sick. I knew better and yet I guzzled gallons of coffee and fast food because it was instant gratification and I undid a lot of my healthy habits.
Now, I have been eating nothing but raw foods and I feel like a different person. One week. I dropped ten pounds of garbage I had no business carrying around on my body. But most importantly I feel like I am putting good medicine into my body instead of poison.
If you mean that figuratively, I agree even more. You are what you allow into your psyche. Unfortunately, many do not have the filter any longer. When you are someone who had no education and have had no structure in your life and then raise a family along the same lines, how are these kids to know what is right from wrong, real from fake?
That is the tragedy.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 23, 2018 7:20 AM MST
Dyes with numbers are fake. Margarine is fake. Butter is real food. Velveeta is fake. Real cheese doesn't have oils in it. Making foods no fat or low fat instead of leaving them alone is making it fake. Why? Because there is flavor in fat so when they defat anything THEY ADD SUGAR TO IT. Which will kill you. Fat is satisfying so you will less of a full-fat food. No fat or low fat is never satisfying so you spend time eating other things to get satisfied which is why people GET FAT. If you ate real food to begin with instead of all that processed fake phony baloney CRAP you'd be less likely to gain weight because you would feel full and satisfied. Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are everywhere. HORRIBLE for the heart. Like lard which some people eat in their canned refried beans unless they get the vegetarian kind or no fat kind which has NO FAT. Beans don't need fat. They are a very HEALTHY food..high fiber and high protein. Gunking them up with lard makes no sense. Whole grain foods are natural foods. Stripping away the fiber and then coloring the bread brown to look "healthy" is fake food. Foods loaded with preservatives is fake. No food I know of includes nitrates and nitrites and numbered food dyes and high fructose corn sugar NATURALLY. Corn is mostly GMO today. Genetically Modified Organism. If the food contains anything corn-based and doesn't specifically state NON GMO you know you are eating food that is genetically modified. What is the result of that? We don't know yet. It will take years to see the effects of it and I don't wish to gamble. Folks who subsist on fat-free foods will always have weight problems. They just get fatter because they eat more and ingest more sugar which is VERY BAD for the health. If raw foods work for you that's fine. When you cook tomatoes it increases the food value because it releases lycopene(s;?) and makes it more available to you. There are some foods like that. There are some foods where the food value decreases when cooked. You eat what makes you feel best and hopefully it is healthy. Otherwise it's a crapshoot and folks will crap out constantly from bad food choices. My favorite folks are the ones who tell you to screw off and leave them alone about their diet choices cause it is no one's business what they eat or what they feed their kids. Which is WHY kids are more obese now than ever before because their folks just don't give a dam*! I could say more but you are probably already suffering eyestrain. Thank you for your reply Sharon. I meant LITERAL in this case. The figurative was always there. But American obesity is getting worse and worse and worse because people will eat anything that tastes good and encourage their ignorant children to do the same. Fat begets fat and obese breeds obese. Period. Sheesh. I think that's stupid dumb but whadda I know?
This post was edited by RosieG at November 23, 2018 7:37 AM MST