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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If true that a computer program can "learn" and improve that means it can reprogram itself . Can humans do so too? Have you?

If true that a computer program can "learn" and improve that means it can reprogram itself . Can humans do so too? Have you?

Posted - November 23, 2018


  • 6023
    Isn't that what education is?  Reprogramming ourselves.
    Or would it just be programming?

    btw - I read that every "successful" computer AI has been deleted by those trying to create it.
    Why?  Because the AI starts creating its own language, which we don't understand, to talk to other AIs.
      November 23, 2018 8:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    You ARE pulling my leg aren't you Walt?  Computers creating THEIR OWN LANGUAGE WHICH WE DON'T UNDERSTAND TO COMMUNICATE WITH ONE ANOTHER? Okay. I am officially terrified now if that is true.  "I ROBOT" is nothing compared to that. And we thought a country run by Simians not humans was unbelievably terrifying? How innocent and naive we were then. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday. So for sure every successful computer AI has been deleted? Not one single recalcitrant computer escaped the purge? No underground or resistance working this very day to take over? Are you SURE? :( As far as educating humans I think it does nothing to program or reprogram. It simply exchanges ignorance for knowledge but that is just software. The hardware is hardwired and unaffected. DNA is the hardware right? Or is the software? Okey dokey I'm talking myself in circles. Which is it? Hard or soft?  Maybe the DNA is the hardware and the info/education is the software. What we do with is controlled by the hardware though isn't it? This post was edited by RosieG at November 23, 2018 8:40 AM MST
      November 23, 2018 8:38 AM MST

  • 6023
    There are programs called AI ... but they are not truly AI.
    (When you give a computer program the ability to learn AND evolve it's own programming.)

    What we have now, I call psuedo-AI ... or PAI.
    It's a limited AI, where we still control (aka "limit") the programming.

    Here's one story of AI creating it's own language: This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at November 24, 2018 3:49 AM MST
      November 23, 2018 8:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your very helpful reply and the link Walt. I just got back from reading it. Will superbugs but the instrument of our demise or superdupercomputers? Something out there is just waiting for the right time. That is if we don't do it to ourselves which is maybe more likely. In the meantime I expect "what man can conceive man can achieve" isn't true. I conceive of a world in which hate and war doesn't have a place at the table. Are humans meant to hate and eliminate one another? Is that part of the DNA? Wouldn't it be nice if we could "think" our way to DNA that would be calm benign peaceful? Happy Saturday to you Walt! :)
      November 24, 2018 3:52 AM MST

  • 6023
    Humans are a pack carnivores ... like dogs.
    Packs can only get so large ... and see other packs as competitors.

    Maybe if we were herd-types.
    But even herds only get so large ... and see other herds as competitors.

    I guess we are doomed to be competitive.
    It's just HOW we express that nature.
      November 26, 2018 7:27 AM MST

  • 113301
    I'm not competitive Walt. I think competition brings out the very worst in people and I want no part of it. My only competition is the me I used to be. I hope she improves and gets better. Other than that I have no interest in being "smarter than" or "prettier than" or "more successful then" or "kinder than" or anything that involves me in comparison with others.  In the words of that famous philosopher whom we all know of and love. 'I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam". Truer words were never spoke. I stay clear of competition. Not my cuppa tea. Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 26, 2018 7:35 AM MST

  • 6023
    See?  You ARE competitive.  You just choose to express it as a competition with yourself.

      November 26, 2018 8:07 AM MST