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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You pro-life folks have a VERY NARROW interest in the sanctity of life. You shrug off a dismemberment but will kill* to save a fetus! WHY?

You pro-life folks have a VERY NARROW interest in the sanctity of life. You shrug off a dismemberment but will kill* to save a fetus! WHY?

Prolifers  have murdered doctors, blown up clinics where LEGAL abortions occurred. Remember THOU SHALT NOT KILL? That includes you too selective prolifer. Ever give any thought to THAT?

Posted - November 24, 2018


  • 46117
    Because people who are unconscious tend to pick ideas in their heads that FEEL good or make them look good.  If the truths become too inconvenient in money or time or putting some effort into the solution, they are gone.  God wants them to have guns.  But God doesn't want them to kill children that other people cannot have.  As long as it isn't them.  

    Half of the people who hate abortion have kids that should have BEEN aborted.  I am not pro nor against abortion.  I am saying if I had to be raised by unconscious parents who have no values whatsoever, and are phony as heck, I need to leave that toxic environment and get myself to an orphanage.

    I do not want a Mike Pence daddy and mommy.  

    These people believe what is convenient for them.  They hide and wall themselves up in some local church and get their narrow-minded fool friends to agree on this.  They get a pastor to preach how holy they are because they think GOD should be the only one to control life.  Well, that is not a bad stance, if you have been enlightened enough to even know what the heck you are attaching to.  

    Sure, it's easy enough for judgmental people who have never been raped or molested (or admit it) to spout how brave they are and it is their Christian duty to give birth.  I am not totally against this notion if they were doing it consciously and wanted to just protect an innocent life.

    But that is rarely the case.  Most of these bimbo brains have never had to deal with the issue and it is easy for them to say.  But like you said.  Reverence of life goes much deeper than saving a fetus.

    It goes for every living soul.  

    Instead of having troops threatening people at the border, JUST imagine helping hands trying to ease these people's pain and fear.  We have schools in this country where people get degrees to improve society.  

    Where are these people after they graduate?  Making an advertisement somewhere for a better car?

    Better, they get their butts down to the border and show gratitude for their education by putting what they paid for (or their parents paid for more likely) into some kind of practice.

    Screw this fear mongering moron and his ARMY.  I'm surprised Trump hasn't had this pig in the Oval yet.  Wait, maybe he is in the Oval working for Trump.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 24, 2018 9:47 AM MST
      November 24, 2018 9:43 AM MST

  • 35004
    I am pro-life. I do not condone the murder of abortionists. I do not condone the murder of anyone.
    I support having a welfare safety net for those who need it with the work requirement of that receiving assistance work who are young and able-bodied and of sound mind.
      November 24, 2018 9:51 AM MST

  • 46117
    Good. What is your point?
    This is what you think about you.  This is your story you tell yourself.  It may be valid.  

    I don't think I am talking about you.  I am talking about those you admire.   And defend.  And refuse to see the truth about.  That makes you too close to a toxic situation for comfort to me.  

    You defended KKK members who killed an innocent woman with a car.  They hate jews.  And your answer because your beloved President told you to think this:  Well there were bad people on the other side.

    NO.  There were not.   There were PEOPLE on both sides.  

    Some were angry and peacefully protesting.  Others were violent and threatening and I would not trust myself to have to walk through a crowd of them.  They would KILL me.

    Do you think the peaceful people give you that kind of fear?  

    I think I struck a nerve and that is why you came on to defend  what cannot be defended.

    I cannot tell you the horror that those kids who are in cages lives will be like after your IDOL threw them in cages.

    Do NOT try to defend this.  YOU are already wrong.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 24, 2018 9:56 AM MST
      November 24, 2018 9:53 AM MST

  • 35004
    I defended KKK??? No, I said they were idiots and criminals. 

    Yes Antifa was also there and yes they are also idiots and criminals. 

    That is a fact...two side of the same coin. I don't want the coin at all.
      November 24, 2018 9:58 AM MST

  • 46117
    Oh yeah. YOU DID. You were on here day and night giving excuses as to why he said that and what it really meant.  

    Antifa?  Oh yes, the crowd of protesters will RIFE with Antifa, whoever that is.  

    The entire crowd of antagonists were siding with the KKK.

    I agree, that I don't want the coin either.  This does not get a thing done.    Peaceful protesting means 

    sitting down in silence.  NOT shouting back.   BUT STILL... to not know the difference between the two groups is DEPLORABLE.

    This anti-facist group pales in comparison to WHITE SUPREMICISTS.

    In his Tuesday press conference, Donald Trump talked at length about what he called “the alt left.” White supremacists, he claimed, weren’t the only people in Charlottesville last weekend that deserved condemnation. “You had a group on the other side that was also very violent,” he declared. “Nobody wants to say that.”


    I can say with great confidence that Trump’s final sentence is untrue. I can do so because the September issue of The Atlantic contains an essay of mine entitled “The Rise of the Violent Left,” which discusses the very phenomenon that Trump claims “nobody wants” to discuss. Trump is right that, in Charlottesville and beyond, the violence of some leftist activists constitutes a real problem. Where he’s wrong is in suggesting that it’s a problem in any way comparable to white supremacism.


    If TRUMP the moron wanted to make your point?  He could have spewed facts instead of invective.

    Instead he just berated the other side.

    Let's give you another example.

    I dont' see why it WOULD NOT be Russia.

    Remember that one?  

    He said in front of the world the exact opposite.  

    You want to be Sara Huckabee.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 24, 2018 10:29 AM MST
      November 24, 2018 10:25 AM MST

  • 35004
    Show me one just one post were I defended the KKK? 
    Good luck....Cause it never happened. 
      November 24, 2018 2:07 PM MST